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Linguist basic package - create


   create {file} {name}
   create {file} using dialog {title} [at {left} {top}]
   create {process} {name}
   create {timer} [duration {value} tick[s]/second[s]/minute[s]]
   create {dispatcher}
      case {string} {block}
      [default {block]

Keyword handler:


Runtime handler(s):



The first two forms create a new file, removing the previous version if it already exists and making it ready to be written. You can either provide a pathname or request a dialog. If the latter, the system will remember the last directory you visited and return to it next time.

The third form creates and launches a new process using the string given as the command to the operating system. The process can be stopped when desired.

The fourth form creates a timer, giving it the requested duration but not starting it. See on, start and stop.

The final form sets up a dispatcher, which is an efficient mechanism for switching between several string values. Once the dispatcher is set up, using send {string} to {dispatcher} will select the appropriate outcome - see send.


   create OutputFile "c:\MyData\mydata.txt"
   create OutputFile using dialog "Give me a name" at 300 450
   create Browser "rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler"
   create ShortDelay duration 40 ticks
   create Dispatch
      case "Memory" gosub to ShowMemoryAvailable
      case "Verbose" invert Verbose
      default gosub to ShowErrorScreen

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