
The Linguist comms package

These are the keywords supplied with the comms package:

close Close a port.
flush Flush a port.
on Handle port events.
open Open a port.
port Declare a port variable.
set Set the attributes of a port.
write Write to a port.

Numeric and String values
Conditional expressions

Numeric and String Values

These values can be used in a numeric or string expression:

byte from <port>
Returns the next byte received from the port named. Only use this inside an on <port> callback.

line from <port>
Returns the next line of text received from the port named. Only use this inside an on <port> callback. This value is not available if the port was opened in raw mode.

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Conditional Expressions

The comms package recognizes the following conditional expressions, which may be used in an if or while command:

<port> has data
Returns true if the named port has received data.

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