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Linguist data package - set


	set the table name of {specification} to {name}
	set the fields of {specification} to
	   {fieldname} {type} [{n}]
	   [and ...]
	set the specification of {record} to {specification}
	set field {fieldname} of {record} to {value}
	set the key of {record} to {encryption key}

Keyword handler:

Runtime handler(s):


Set attributes of a specification or a record, as follows:

set the table name of {specification} names the table in the SQL database that will be used to hold records having this specification. Before you can add records to a new table you must first create the table using a record having the appropriate specification.

set the fields of {specification} defines the fields that will be present in every record using this specification. See the example below. Each of the fields can be of type int (not shown) or char with an appropriate field width as shown. They map directly onto SQL data types of the same names.

set the specification of {record} associates a specification with a record. From this point on you can refer to fields in the record using the names given in the specification, as in the examples below.

set field {fieldname} of {record} assigns a value to a field in a record. The {fieldname} is that given for the specification used by this record. Note: Because this package uses extra application logic, setting a value has no immediate effect on the SQL database itself. Changes are only written when a commit statement is given.

set the key of {record} stores the supplied string into the record for use during encryption and decryption. See encrypt and decrypt.

Changes to field values are made only to the local, cached copies of the records. No changes will be made to the SQL database until the commit command is given.


	set the table name of CustomerSpec to "Customer"
	set the fields of CustomerSpec to
		id long
		and name char 30
		and email char 60
		and company char 40
		and address char 40
		and district char 40
		and city char 40
		and postcode char10
		and state char 10
		and country char 20
		and phone char 20
		and fax char 20
		and vat char 15
	set the specification of MyCustomer to CustomerSpec
	set field name of MyCustomer to "Alfred E Newman"
	set field email of MyCustomer to ""
	set field company of MyCustomer to "MAD magazine"
	set the key of MyCustomer to "A private key"

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