image {name} from {source} [at {left} {top}] [size {width} {height}]
Keyword handler:
Runtime handler(s):
Declares an image constant. The pixels of the image will be included in the compiled script, with no need for
supporting files. Although this can considerably increase the size of the script it makes subsequent access to
the image much faster than if it had been loaded as needed from disk. You can use the image constant anywhere that
takes an image, for example to set the icon of a button or label. The source is any GIF or JPEG image.
Although the command allows you to extract a portion of an image, this should be regarded as a convenience feature.
It is more space-efficient to use a graphic editor to create a new GIF or JPEG image containing just the part
you want.
We recommend the use of ALL_CAPITALS for constants of any kind, to distinguish them from regular script variable names.
image BACKDROP from "jpg/bg01.jpg" image HILITE from "jpg/bg02.jpg" at 122 348 size 150 227