
The Linguist network package

These are the keywords supplied for network operations.

add Add a client or service
client Declare a client variable.
close Close a socket.
connection Declare an HTTP connection variable.
create Create a new client or service.
message Declare a message variable.
on Handle a network event.
open Open a socket.
post Invoke a POST on a connection.
read Read from a socket.
reply Reply to a message or a socket.
send Send a message to a client or service.
service Declare a service variable.
set Set an attribute of a connection.
socket Declare a TCP/IP socket variable.
start Start the watchdog.
update Update a client.
write Write to a socket.

Numeric and
String values
Conditional expressions

Numeric and String Values

These values can be used in a numeric or string expression:

Returns the next byte received from the socket named. Only use this inside an on <socket> callback.

Returns the next line of text received from the connection named. Only use this inside an on <connection> callback.

ask <message>
Send this message and returns the reply. If no reply is sent the command times out after two seconds.

the service count of <client>
When a notification is received, this returns the number of services available of the same type as this client.

the name/address of service <n> of <client>
When a notification is received, a number of services may available of the same type as this client. This command returns data about one of them, where <n> starts at zero and goes to one less than the number returned by the service count of <client>.

the name/address/text of the message
When a tell or ask message is received, this command returns the name of the sender, the address of the sender or the text of the message.

the name/address of <message> source/destination
Returns the name or address of the source or destination of this message.

the text of <message>
Returns the text of this message.

the name/address of the sender
Returns the name or address of the sender of the current message. Use inside an on tell or on ask callback.

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Conditional Expressions

The network package recognizes the following conditional expressions, which may be used in an if or while command:

<socket> has data
Returns true if the named socket has received data.

<socket> has error
Returns true if the named socket encountered an error on its last operation.

<message> has error
Returns true if the named message encountered an error on its last operation.

<client> has services
Returns true if the named client has one or more services in its last notification.

the source/destination of <message> is [not] the sender
Returns true if the source or destination of the named message is (or is not) the sender of the last message.

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